#Excel 2007 tutorial for beginners how to
Range("C3").Value = LCase(Range("C3").Value)Įxcel VBA Macros for Beginners- Novice Example 6: How To Copy Data From One Range To Another Range 'You can use LCase function to change the text into Upper Case
'You can use UCase function to change the text into Upper Case 'Example 5: How To Change The Text To Upper Case Or Lower Case If you wan tot change the text or string from upper case to lower case, we can use LCase function. This example will help you to change the text from lower case to upper case. Range("B1:B10").Font.ColorIndex = 3 ' 3=RedĮxcel VBA Macros for Beginners- Novice Example 5: How To Change The Text To Upper Case Or Lower Case 'Example 4: How To Change The Font Color And Font Size Of A Particular Range The following method will use the font ColorIndex property of a range to change the font color. We can differentiate or highlight the cell values by changing the text color of range in the worksheet. You may need to change the font color of range or cell sometimes. Range("B1:B5").Interior.ColorIndex = 5 ' 5=BlueĮxcel VBA Macros for Beginners- Novice Example 4: How To Change The Font Color And Font Size Of A Particular Range 'You can set the background color using Interior.ColorIndex Property 'Example 3: How To Change The Background Color Of A Particular Range We can use ColorIndex property of a Ranger Interior object to change the fill color of a range or cell.
The following example will help you in formatting a cell or range by changing the background color of a range. 'You can also use Cell Object as shwon below B6:Ĭells(6, 2) = "Hello World! using Cell" 'Here 6 is Row number and 2 is Column numberĮxcel VBA Macros for Beginners- Novice Example 3: How To Change The Background Color Of A Particular Range 'Example 2: How To Enter Data into a Cell This example will show you how to write the data from VBA to Spread sheet range or cell. MsgBox Cells(5, 1) 'Here 5 is Row number and 1 is Column numberĮxcel VBA Macros for Beginners- Novice Example 2: How To Enter Data into a CellĪfter performing some calculations using VBA, we generally write the results into worksheet ranges. 'You can also use Cell Object to refer A5 as shwon below: 'It will display the A5 value in the message Box 'Example 1: How To Access The Excel Range And Show The Value Using Message Box This example will show you how to read the data from a worksheet range. While automating most of the Excel Tasks, we need to read the data from Excel spread sheet range and perform some calculations.
How To Set The Row Height And Column Width.